Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Proposal

The day Jesse proposed was beautiful. It was a sunny day not to hot or cold, perfect for a splitz burger (Jesse' fav Whistler burger joint) and a good cross country ski. All day he kept on saying to me "I think this is going to be a memorable experience" I just laughed and tried to tell my self that he must be nervous to try cross country skiing for the first time. We got half way through the track and Jesse pointed out a sign that said proposal corner pointing the other way. I looked up and said "Huh! I've never noticed that sign there before, weird!" I thought to myself hmm... it must be a sign.
The sun started to settle behind the mountain as we approached the end of the track. I wanted to take a minute before it was gone and sat on the bench overlooking Lost Lake to take it all in. The green forest, the lake, the sparkling snow, the mountain side and the one I love. And that's when Jesse told me he needed to take out his sunglasses from his pocket. I had a feeling he wasn't reaching for his sunnies 'cause I could clearly see that they were on his head. He proceeded to knell on the snow and opened a little black box, with a sparking ring and a romantic spiel. He then began to tell me about the history of the ring. I am truly thankful and feel so honored to wear this ring. My greatest hope is to follow in his mothers steps by having a thriving lasting godly marriage.
We wrapped up the moment with prayer then skied to the warming hut for a picnic chocolate fondue. Jesse was right, it was a memorable experience creating our very own proposal corner.


Our Wedding date: August 05, 2009
Hello Friends and Family, Thank you for stopping by. We look forward to seeing you at our wedding.
Love Fiona & Jesse